Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Proposal

04-17-07 Playdate with Isaac

Over three years ago, Kyla and Isaac became friends, or at least the first born children of women who were to become good friends.  This is the first picture I have of the two together; they are almost 8 months old here.

Well, a few weeks ago at playgroup, Isaac officially proposed to Kyla.  I was not witness to this event, but Susanne (Isaac’s mother) related that Kyla looked not particularly excited and told Isaac that she couldn’t get married because she was not a grown up yet.  Isaac replied that of course he didn’t mean before growing up, and then they went back to playing on the swings.


Pretty idyllic, huh?

June 023

I like this series of shots when Isaac twists Kyla around in circles. June 025

June 026June 027 

 June 029

June 030June 031 

June 032June 086


I have a bit of crush on Isaac myself….

 June 055

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